Variable announceMessageParamsSchemaConst

announceMessageParamsSchema: ZodObject<
            id: ZodNumber;
            name: ZodString;
            properties: ZodObject<
                    cached: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>;
                    persistent: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>;
                    retained: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>;
                { cached?: boolean; persistent?: boolean; retained?: boolean },
                { cached?: boolean; persistent?: boolean; retained?: boolean },
            type: ZodUnion<
        { pubuid: ZodOptional<ZodNumber> },
        id: number;
        name: string;
        properties: { cached?: boolean; persistent?: boolean; retained?: boolean };
        pubuid?: number;
            | "string"
            | "boolean"
            | "float"
            | "double"
            | "int"
            | "json"
            | "raw"
            | "rpc"
            | "msgpack"
            | "protobuf"
            | "boolean[]"
            | "double[]"
            | "int[]"
            | "float[]"
            | "string[]";
        id: number;
        name: string;
        properties: { cached?: boolean; persistent?: boolean; retained?: boolean };
        pubuid?: number;
            | "string"
            | "boolean"
            | "float"
            | "double"
            | "int"
            | "json"
            | "raw"
            | "rpc"
            | "msgpack"
            | "protobuf"
            | "boolean[]"
            | "double[]"
            | "int[]"
            | "float[]"
            | "string[]";
> = ...

Schema for the announce message params in the NT protocol.